

Looking For Artist to Draw Map of Bath for the JASNA Web Site

The following request came from the JASNA Web Master, Carol Moss. From Carol Moss:
I hope you've seen the new section of the JASNA website that we launched last month featuring maps of the Austen novels. It has one map for each of the novels showing both fictional and real locations referenced. In case you missed it, it's at:
Click here for Link
I would really like to add a map for Bath (and eventually London ). I have a 1803 map of Bath that I bought many years ago during a trip there. But, it doesn't scan well and isn't limited to places and streets mentioned in the novels, making it very busy to look at. I am looking for a JASNA member with some drawing abilities to work with me to create a proper Austen map of Bath that we could post on the JASNA website. The artist would be credited for the map and have an opportunity to add an important page to our website. Thanks!
Carol Moss
JASNA Web Site Manager
If interested contact our e-mail and I'll send you Carol's contact info.

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Hi Janeites! Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to comment on our content. Of course, Lady Catherine would believe us all to behave like gentlemen and ladies, so please let us not disappoint her.

Also, please leave comments in English, as only Lady Catherine, had she ever studied a foreign language, would be a great profient enough to read such comments. (Merci! Arigato! Gracias!)