Persuasions On-Line is Available on JASNA.org
The latest volume of Persuasions On-Line is now available on http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=lff8x4bab&et=1104106199814&s=31&e=001DXKFzEZIWVpOTDktNTEUCYbyCBQ8PmIMmSFQfzuKn-fXWb2ZvcSHVmQNRGIQSUk9sP3uwuis_ClVWm8NBYaBkdRxZn_pCrGtv8wSBu9HdGU= It's filled with beautifully illustrated essays, including, for example, Jeff Nigro's presentation from the Portland AGM. Web master Carol Moss posted the volume at midnight Greenwich Mean Time on December 16th, in honor of Jane Austen's birthday
To read the POL click here.
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