

Now that we are in the swing of the holiday season here is some advice from Jane Austen:

Jane Austen's Little Advice Book
Jane Austen's Little Advice Book
by Cathryn Michon, Pamela Norris

On the Considerable Fun to Be Had Watching Drunks...
...(She) thought herself run around the room after her drunken husband. His avoidance, and her pursuit, with the probable intoxication of both, was an amusing scene.  - Letter to Cassandra
...And the Fun to Be Had Being One
Elinor, as she swallowed the chief of it, reflected through its good effects on a cholicky gout were, at present, of little importance, its healing powers on a disappointed heart might, be as reasonably tried on herself as on her sister. - Sense and Sensibility

On the Positive Effects of Alcohol ...
The more wine I drink, in moderation, the better I am.  I am always best of an evening. - Letter to Cassandra
...And the Negative
I believe I drank too much wine last night...I know not how else to account for the shaking of my hand today. - Letter to Cassandra

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