The original Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Manufactures, &c. was published monthly from 1809-1829 by Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834) in London. Each month's Repository featured a pair of fashion plates in addition to other illustrations and articles covering a variety of topics. Some issues included embroidery patterns and fabric samples, which have provided inspiration in the creation of Regency costumes and the genteel lifestyle seen in Jane Austen film adaptations. These delicate aquatint illustrations and lovely fashions continue to delight and inspire us two hundred years later.
Throughout 2009, new desktop wallpapers will be posted each month showcasing two fashion plates: one from 1809 and the other from a different year during Jane Austen's lifetime. Enjoy a year-long tour through this popular late Georgian-Regency publication!
Please see: http://www.solitary-elegance.com/ackermann.htm
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