Please join JASNA Central New Jersey for a birthday toast to Jane Austen at the Cranbury Inn, 21 South Main Street, Cranbury, New Jersey on Saturday, December 5, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
We will celebrate Austen’s 234th birthday, plan and discuss the year’s upcoming programs together, and share our love of all things Austen.
Should you be so inclined, please feel free to bring a short reading selection of your choice to get us all in the spirit. Please RSVP by Dec. 1 to centraljerseyJASNA@yahoo.com. Thank you!
A short history of the Cranbury Inn: In the mid 1600's in the center of the colony of New Jersey by Cranberry Creek, a mill town began to develop along an old Indian trail that had widened into a road. This road connected the colonies and was becoming a main thoroughfare for colonial travelers. In 1697 Cranberry Towne received its charter from England. With increasing development, a need arose in central New Jersey for a place to eat and drink, get fresh horses, and spend the night; thus in the mid 1700's our taverns were built to meet these needs of the travelers passing through this area. After the colonies declared their independence from the motherland this business officially established itself in 1780. What is now The Cranbury Inn has been functioning as a place to eat and drink since the mid 1700's.
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Hi Janeites! Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to comment on our content. Of course, Lady Catherine would believe us all to behave like gentlemen and ladies, so please let us not disappoint her.
Also, please leave comments in English, as only Lady Catherine, had she ever studied a foreign language, would be a great profient enough to read such comments. (Merci! Arigato! Gracias!)