5/ 6 Sat./Sun. Christmas at Allaire Sat & Sun.12 noon - 3:30p.m. $6/ Adult- $4/ Child (5-14 Yrs.) per day. Horse & Wagon Ride extra $7.50/ Adult, $5 Children under12
11 Fri. “A Christmas Carol” Performance in Allaire Chapel 7:30 pm Advanced tickets recommended $15/ person
12 Sat. Christmas Lantern Tours, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. (90 min. tours every 15 min.) $15/ Person. Advance ticket recommended
18 Fri. “A Christmas Carol” Performance in Allaire Chapel 7:30 pm Advanced tickets recommended $15/ person
19 Sat. Christmas Lantern Tours, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. (90 min. tours every 15 min.) $15/ Person. Advance ticket recommended
Main Exhibit: 100 Years of Christmas Gifts and Toys at Allaire running November 21 thorough December 19
Displayed will be gifts and toys representing what Allaire residents may have received if you lived at Allaire at any time during the 1830s to the 1930s - from the heyday of the Howell Works to the establishment of Arthur Brisbane's Allaire Estate. This Christmas Exhibit that will follow the art show.
The question of "what would the people of the village received for Christmas from the 1830s to the 1930s" will be answered - via an array of toys and gifts. The toys and gifts will come from collection pieces in storage, as well as from private collections of people who had ancestors that lived at Allaire during these years.
When we think of "Allaire" today, we think of just the village. But the "Allaire area" encompassed various farms and homes in the immediate vicinity. For example, the nearby Kessler Farms, Thompson Dairy Farm, and Allaire Golf Course - all had an "Allaire address" through the 1930s and beyond. Let alone those living and working for Arthur Brisbane at his Allaire estate in the 20th Century (the same buildings and homes that once were part of James P. Allaire's Howell Iron Works Company). This exhibit will explore the Christmas and Holiday Gift Giving Traditions which would have been experienced here.
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