Guided tours of the historic Rosenbach home are offered and our JASNA group will attend on October 16th. Please RSVP to Janeite Geri (centraljerseryJASNA at yahoo dot com)
The Rosenbach Museum’s docents will guide small groups of visitors through the beautifully-appointed period rooms of the Rosenbach brothers’ 19th-century townhouse. All of the tours strive to inspire curiosity and inquiry into the collections, our founders and the museum in general. The tour includes Dr. Rosenbach’s rare book library, Philip Rosenbach’s fine and decorative art collections, and the recreation of modernist poet Marianne Moore’s Greenwich Village living room.
The Rosenbach Museum’s docents will guide small groups of visitors through the beautifully-appointed period rooms of the Rosenbach brothers’ 19th-century townhouse. All of the tours strive to inspire curiosity and inquiry into the collections, our founders and the museum in general. The tour includes Dr. Rosenbach’s rare book library, Philip Rosenbach’s fine and decorative art collections, and the recreation of modernist poet Marianne Moore’s Greenwich Village living room.
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