

First Line Friday - Old Friends and New Francies

Two weeks ago on Flashback Friday I re-shared a book recommendation for Old Friends and New Fancies by Sybil G. Brinton

I ended up ordering the book through my library's Interlibrary Loan Dept.  Can't wait to read it! is one characteristic which may be safely said to belong to nearly all happily-married couples-that of desiring to see equally happy marriages among their young friends; and in some cases, where their wishes are strong and circumstances seem favourable to the exertion of their own efforts, they may even embark upon the perilous but delightful course of helping those persons whose minds are as yet not made up, to form a decision respecting this important crisis in life, and this done, to assist in clearing the way in order that this decision may forth-with be acted upon. 

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